What happens when Native American life is infused with modern spirituality? A profound understanding of how things are. It has always been my nature to seek wisdom and knowledge of the Creator, and much to my surprise, the deeper I search, the more I find. I have discovered that all paths and ways lead back to the source, and I have found that we are all connected by ancient wisdom. There are many parallels and similarities in all ancient wisdom. There is no necessity for formality or ceremony to be directed to the way we should live. It is simple and must be practiced, as does anything else that we wish to master. This book is based on my experiences and what has worked for me. I make no claims of religious affiliations and do not identify with any sects or groups. Everything in life begins with a thought first. We think about it, and then we take baby steps towards goals, and then it just happens. Our whole world was at least a thought first. When we rein in our thinking, we stop letting our thinking become random thoughts, and we control our thinking. Then we can start controlling our destiny. Thinking makes us aware of the opportunities and the paths that lead our baby steps that we should take subconsciously. So, I have learned that controlling my thinking is what makes it happen. There are many books, teachers, and great wise sages throughout many thousands of years that have analyzed why controlled thinking works. I put it all to the test. I have read about synchronicity, about the laws of attraction, and I put it all to the test. I have studied it, meditated on it, analyzed it, and concluded that it is not as difficult or as complex as some would make it seem. #thinking #spirituality #riches #nativeamerican #abundance Get your book on Amazon today!Comments are closed.